We Ride with Tiger Pride

Our Goal
It is the goal of UE Transportation to provide the safest and most efficient transportation to the students of Union Endicott.
Code Blue for Walkers
A Code Blue for Walkers is activated by the superintendent during extreme weather conditions, such as extremely low temperatures. While the UE District policy generally limits school transportation to students in grades 1-5 (0.5+ miles), 6-8 (1.1+ miles), and 9-12 (1.6+ miles), an exception is made during Code Blue for Walkers. On these days, walkers who do not live near their school will be offered transportation regardless of the distance between their home and their school building.
Your Child's Bus Information
Bus information for this coming school year will be mailed to individual eligible students at the end of August. If you do not receive a postcard and feel that your child is eligible for transportation you should call or email the Transportation Department.
Any changes in daycare should be phoned into the Transportation Department in early August of each year. All bus routes are evaluated over the summer to ensure that we are providing the safest and most efficient transportation possible. We do ask that your child be transported to the same destination all five days of the week. Consistency is the key to safety, this way your child, teacher and bus driver know exactly where your child goes every day and there is no confusion.
Private & Parochial School Transportation
The district provides transportation to all private and parochial schools if they are within 15 miles of the home school. Requests for transportation are due to the Transporation Department by April 1st of each year. You may mail or fax your request to the Transportation Department.
Safety is our #1 priority but we can't do it without your help. Safety takes the teamwork of bus drivers, students, parents, and all other school staff. See the School Bus Safety page for more information.
Contact Info
1959 Bradley Creek Rd
Endicott, NY 13760
Phone: (607)757-2125 Fax: (607)757-2844
Supervisor of Transportation
Debbie Saunders
Q. Why does my child have to be at the bus stop 5 minutes early?
A. Pick up times may vary due to weather and traffic. We will make every effort to be at the bus stop at the scheduled time.
Q. Why can't my child be picked up in front of the house?
A. We transport approximately 3,500 students daily. It is not safe or economically feasible to stop at each house.
Q. I am told my child is a walker but the bus drives by my house, why can't my child ride?
A. Bus Routes are set up to maximize the capacity of the school buses. The Board of Education has set the policy as follows: Grade K - All Eligible, Grade 1 thru 5 - .5 miles, Grade 6 thru 8 - 1.1 miles, Grade 9 thru 12 - 1.6 miles.
Q. What is the policy regarding an adult being present at the bus stop?
A. We do ask for younger children, especially kindergarten students that we see you at the bus stop. Your child will be returned to school if we do not know that you are home. If you wish to have your child get off the bus without you present or to walk home with an older student, please call the Transportation office or let your bus driver know that.
Q. What do I do if my child needs to go home with a friend?
A. We will do our best to accommodate you in the case of an emergency and you need your child to go to a different location after school. We do not allow students to ride home with other students just to visit because we try to run our buses as close to capacity as possible. The bus drivers do not accept notes from students. If you have an emergency and need your child to go someplace different than their normal stop, you will need to call the Transportation Department.
Q. Are parents allowed to board the school bus?
A. Parents are not allowed to board the school bus at any time. If you would like to speak to your bus driver you may call the Transportation office and we will make sure your bus driver gets the message.