Proposed Success Targets
Grades K-12 Graduation Rate:
2022-2023 High School/Tiger Ventures: Increase by 5% from 85% to 90%
2021-2022 High School: 85%
2020-2021 High School: 83%
2019-2020 High School: 92%
2018-2019 High School: 88%
2022-2023 District: Increase by 5% from 82% to 87%
2021-2022 District: 82%
2020-2021 District: 82%
2019-2020 District: 87%
2018-2019 District: 82%
Grades 3-8 ELA & Math Proficiency:
2022-2023 Increase by 9% from overall 40% to 50% on ELA, and increase by 13% from overall 27% to 40% in Math.
2021-2022 ELA: 40%
2021-2022 Math: 27%
No assessments in 2020-2021 due to COVID
2019-2020 ELA: 36%
2019-2020 Math: 41%
District Chronic Absenteeism:
2022-2023 Decrease by 20% the number of chronically absent students (10% or more of their instructional days) from 1,518 to 1,214 students.
2021-2022 chronically absent: 1,518 students
2020-2021 chronically absent: 1,194 students
2019-2020 chronically absent: 781 students
2018-2019 chronically absent: 755 students
District Out-of-School Suspensions:
2022-2023 Reduce by 15% the number of out-of-school suspensions from 140 days to 119 days.
2021-2022 OSS: 140 days
2020-2021 OSS: 207 days
2019-2020 OSS: 404 days
2018-2019 OSS: 288 days